I ran across a quote that seemed particularly fitting for my long weekend, "How can I go forward, when I don't know which direction I am facing?" by John Lennon.
Holidays can be difficult when you are separated for many different reasons. My reasons happen to be that its just plain lonely and boring! I am grateful that I have my kids to entertain me...and they do entertain me. Its a time for family events; vacations, picnics, you name it, but I had none of it. I tend to throw myself pitty parties every now and again so bear with me. A good friend reminds me that I need to reach out when I feel I need someone. Not so easy. First of all who wants to hear it? Who wants to hear a friend whine and complain! Occasionally I think that they need to reach out to me. That has always been my way - people can pull things out of me, but otherwise I am quiet as a church mouse! I am learning to spew more, but really who wants to hear it? REALLY?
I was fortunate enough to go to a friends for a BBQ on Sunday with kids. It was really nice. I haven't been out with these people in more than 8 mos and the first time without the ex - that's a long time to be without your closest friends. There were times I felt out of sorts...its not easy to jump back in...it really doesn't work that way, but no one understands that unless you've have been through it. I realize my life has changed in ways I didn't expect or want it to.
I had received some bad financial news the afternoon before party. It upset me a lot so I might have drowned the problems in some Grey Goose....(some). Great .. go see your friends you haven't seen in a year and get trashed Gwen! Good Job! Then you drunk text your ex and have a texting fight until 2am! I really need to name the texting fights - we have them a lot...not necessarily drunk. Fexting...that's it!
So it was a few things culminating into one evening and BOOM Gwen explosion! So "How do I go forward, if I don't know which direction I am facing?"
"How do I go forward, if I don't know which direction I am facing?" .......
ReplyDeleteThat is the best question..... I guess anywhere is better than where you are.
Lots of wasted energy getting you nowhere when you Fext!And that wasted energy is revisited when you cirlce back around on you road to nowhere and re-read what you Fexted. TURN OFF you phone if you are out with your childrens. You know where they are so they won't be calling and anyone else can wait. Just a thought.